Grand Challenges for Social Work • Communications Planning/Support, Publication Development
Launched in 2016 by the American Academy for Social Work & Social Welfare, the Grand Challenges for Social Work (GCSW) initiative has mobilized the field of social work to tackle 13 of the toughest social challenges confronting our society today.
Our Role
SCP has worked with this dynamic project since 2015, supporting its launch and helping to coordinate its communications efforts, which have included shaping a cohesive brand identity, maintaining its website, developing annual strategic communications plans, crafting a monthly newsletter, creating a 5-year impact report, and much more.
With SCP’s help, GCSW work has maintained active internal communications with its 13 Grand Challenge networks and developed a wide-reaching public presence in the broader social work education, policy, research, and practice arenas. The GCSW has garnered significant momentum in its first five years and is poised to expand its impact even further with a “Go Grander” campaign.
Our Work